Episode 33: VR Storytelling
01 May 2024 - Episode 33: VR Storytelling

Episode 33: VR Storytelling

This week hosts Samantha Swaim and Kristin Steele talk to VR storyteller Rachel Bracker about the transformative potential of VR storytelling for nonprofits.

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About The Episode

This week on The Fundraising Elevator Rachel Bracker joins our hosts to discuss the transformative potential of VR storytelling for nonprofits. She explores the ways in which VR can be used to enhance donor engagement, overcome geographic barriers and evoke empathy and emotional resonance through immersive experiences.

Show Notes

The Power of VR Storytelling: Rachel highlights the ability of VR to transport viewers to distant locations, fostering empathy and understanding, and overcoming geographical barriers to provide donors with immersive experiences. She suggests using 360-degree cameras to capture real-world environments and create virtual tours for donors.

Overcoming Cost Barriers: Rachel addresses concerns about the cost and complexity of VR technology. She explains how nonprofits can start small with VR projects and gradually expand their use of the technology. Leveraging existing resources, such as university equipment or local VR rental companies, can help overcome financial barriers.

Empathy Through Perspective-Taking: Research by Jeremy Bailenson from Stanford University underscores the psychological impact of VR on empathy. Perspective-taking, a key concept, involves placing oneself in another’s shoes, fostering empathy and understanding. VR simulations of experiences like colorblindness or deforestation have shown to increase empathy and influence behaviors.

Enhancing Donor Connection: VR offers a unique opportunity for nonprofits to immerse donors in their work, fostering deeper emotional connections and understanding. Incorporating VR into fundraising events or donor tours can provide a memorable and impactful experience for supporters.

Creating Shared Experiences: Community screenings of VR content allow for shared experiences and post-viewing discussions, similar to a movie theater experience. Solutions like Showtime VR enable synchronized viewing for large groups, enhancing engagement and facilitating guided experiences.

Diverse Applications: Beyond fundraising events, VR can be utilized for donor stewardship, immersive storytelling, and virtual tours. VR offers opportunities to connect donors with beneficiaries’ experiences without physical presence, enhancing understanding and empathy.

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About the Guests

Rachel Bracker, she/her, Co-Founder and 360 Filmmaker at Hungry Mantis, an immersive storytelling company

Rachel is a 360°/VR filmmaker and video editor with a passion for immersive storytelling. At her company Hungry Mantis, she works with clients to create 360° videos and traditional videos for training, education, and entertainment. In her 360° docuseries “With the Wind and the Stars,” she puts viewers inside the cockpit and on the surface of Mars to meet inspiring women in aviation and aerospace. Rachel first encountered VR at the University of Oregon, where she earned a master’s degree in multimedia journalism. She believes VR can help nonprofits tell their stories in unforgettable ways by putting viewers into the heart of their mission.

Get in touch with Rachel at hungrymantisvr@gmail


Samantha Swaim

Kristin Steele

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In the next episode, join Sam as she talks to co-host Kristin Steele about how to tell your organizational story.

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